Why do you need Competitive Intelligence services?

Because you can’t have the answers to your problems when you are to close to them. Also you can’t lead your competition if you don’t know where or who they are. Nor can you meet your market and business development needs if you don’t know what they are.

In our experience, too many companies find it too easy to dismiss competitors and market changes as irrelevant.

We have the knowledge, the most advanced tools and best practices necessary to slip into the Competitive Intelligence processes for you.

Krugman & Partners team takes care of monitoring, collecting, analyzing and interpreting what is happening on the side of your internal and external environments. And then, You win!


Competitor profiling

In evaluating competitors it is essential to have access and to understand all the details legally and ethically available on the market.

  • Who are the current shareholders of the competing companies
  • What changes have been in the shareholding in the past
  • What interests do they have in other companies
  • What are the objects of activity of the other companies they own
  • What people are associated with in other companies
  • What information is available on the communication channels about them
  • How they positioned themselves in the media appearances in relation to the direction in which they want to develop the business 

Being well aware of the information’s regarding the competition you having a sustainable competitive advantage.  We support our clients by investigating the business models, shortcomings, distinctive competencies, and positioning strategies of their competitors.

It is essential to know about what are the hotspots your competitors, how they market their products, what is their target audience and how they gather this audience, how they are doing in terms of customer reviews, their differentiators, strengths, and weaknesses.

Competitor monitoring

Organizations must be prepared for disruptive future events, trends and antagonistic marketplace surprises in order to enhance competitiveness. We can monitor in real time the changes that competitors make on their websites and the messages that they communicate on media channels. 

By focusing on the key players in the given target market, 5W’s can offer you information is about: 

  • The way they promote their products and services
  • The profile of the employees they recruit
  • The marketing campaigns they launch
  • The profile of customers who react to those campaigns.

Why is this important? Monitoring your competition can also reveal their weaknesses, allowing you to use any shortcomings to your advantage. You can evaluate how their business plans are performing in the market and adapt yours accordingly to learn from their mistakes or successes. With the correct data and quality analysis, you can also get vital intelligence to hint at future intentions.

Media monitoring

The rapid development of technology and the broader access to information through the internet has increased the importance of Media Monitoring. Topics of interest in accessing a Media Monitoring service can be diverse. You will receive daily alerts about:

  • Mentions of your company
  • Mentions about your competitors
  • Mentions about the industry in which you operate 
  • Mentions about the topics you are interested in.

Practically all the central and local press sites, blogs, Social Media platforms, implicitly all the content of the World Wide Web are systematically monitored in your interest. Using a media monitoring tool gives you a great competitive advantage.

Quick access to information of interest helping you in several strategic directions. You can anticipate a possible communication crisis, observe the actions of the competition in advance and estimate the dynamics in the industry.

Cyber security intelligence

Cyber security intelligence is what cyber threat information becomes once it has been collected, evaluated in the context of its source and reliability, and analyzed through rigorous and structured tradecraft techniques by our team. 

We will analyze how your company is prepared for a cyber-attack and identify the solutions you have for the development of a security infrastructure that will protect you against attackers.

5W’s in offering a full range of solutions:

  • Digital security architecture
  • Data and connection encryption
  • Firewall management
  • Vulnerability  management
  • Antivirus management
  • Network logging alerts
  • User behavior interpretation
  • Penetration testing
  • Dark web monitoring
  • Cybersecurity training for executives 

Without a cybersecurity program, your organization cannot defend itself against increasingly sophisticated cybercriminals.

Counter competitive intelligence

The existence of these services means that other companies might be using Competitive Intelligence techniques to find information on your company as well. In the event that you are on the receiving end of this struggle, we offer Counter Competitive Intelligence services so that your sensitive information does not get in the hands of your competition.

The focus of Competitive Intelligence is information gathering, while business counterintelligence is mainly concerned with protecting your information from such efforts on other organizations. Competitive counterintelligence includes all the activities undertaken to limit the ability of competitors to gather actionable information about your company.

We will assist you to:

  • Develop practices and systems that keep your information safe.
  • Require your staff to sign confidentiality agreements
  • Safeguard your files using best practice cybersecurity protocols
  • Limit all media access and public reporting to a communications specialist
  • Use careful hiring and firing practices.

Psychology is often used to gain information from key personnel. Having management and key personnel understanding the value of the information that they use and communicate daily is very important and should never be overlooked.

Internal fraud prevention

Occupational fraud is very likely the most costly and most common form of financial crime in the world.
The term occupational fraud refers to frauds that are committed by individuals against the organizations that employ them. 

Fraud schemes affect companies differently, and organizations must make decisions about how and where to direct their anti-fraud efforts.

  • 47% of companies experienced a fraud in the past 24 months.
  • The typical organization loses up to 5% of its annual revenue to fraud,
  • 80% of which is derived from employees or other individuals aligned with the organization.
  • More on this topic on ACFEs Report to the nations 2022.

The steps to identifying the potential for fraudulent activity begin with a candid, clear-eyed view of the business and its operating landscape. 

  • Procurement fraud
  • Corporate bribery
  • Business asset abuse
  • Fictitious businesses
  • Fake invoices scams
  • Fraudulent expense claims

Fraud is an issue that all organization’s may face regardless of size, industry or country. If the organization has valuable property, for example, cash, goods, information or services, then fraud is likely to be attempted.

It is vital to protect fraud from all angles, which is why we offer good internal fraud prevention services with fraud detecting mechanisms and standard procedures for many different situations.

Tradeshow intelligence

We offer Tradeshow Intelligence services, which are known in the market as the most efficient and cost-effective way to gather information learn insights about industry trends and competitor initiatives.

Why is that so? These venues are an opportunity to converse with all your competitors under the same roof and gather information about them. Trade shows, conferences, conventions, and other events are excellent places to gather information’s about your competitive environment:

  • Market trends
  • New technologies
  • Market opportunities
  • Competitor plans
  • Competitor new products 

All are opportunities to gather the most competitive information in the shortest time for the least amount of money. 

5W’s assist your team to develop the knowledge necessary to fully leverage the information gathering potential of these events and support your decision-makers’ intelligence needs. Effective use of your presence at these events can provide insight into current and future markets, competitors, technologies, and customers.